
Business Development & Delivery Lead, Grid Engineering & 分析
Lingyu is a renewable energy interconnections expert with more than 10 years of experience advising power utilities and development firms across the U.S., Singapore, and China.

Lingyu is an expert in renewable energy with over a decade of experience focused on power utilities and renewable energy interconnections, electric grid system planning, and grid digitalization in the U.S., Singapore, and China.

作为一名电力工程师, Lingyu builds models with design, 优化, and analysis software to ensure infrastructure can support future demand growth. She analyzes technical generational impacts and evaluates mitigation options, such as system reinforcements and upgrades. Lingyu also created hosting capacity maps for multiple utilities to offer information transparency and encourage distribution energy resource (DER) development.

Lingyu is an expert in electromagnetic transients studies. She builds models using simulation and analytical software and conducts studies to evaluate equipment transient behaviors during faults, 通电, de-通电, 和更多的.

Utilizing her interconnection expertise from both utility and developer perspectives, Lingyu developed rooftop solar projects and signed power purchase agreements in Singapore.

Lingyu brings great value to her renewable energy developer clients. She provides insights on system congestion, high-voltage interconnection, and distribution interconnection. Her team creates interconnection application packages that place projects successfully into the queue. Her team reviews utility impact study reports and helps developers fully understand the results and effectively coordinate with utilities on the technical perspectives that keep projects moving forward.

Lingyu is passionate about the future of the energy grid. Earlier in her career, she worked on grid digitalization and building in-house digital capability for the Singapore utility, SP集团. She created product visions and software road maps that progress grid digitalization goals in Singapore. Lingyu also helped Pennsylvania Power & Light set up a pilot program to actively manage the DER inverter through advanced distribution management systems that enable DER support of grid reliability.

Lingyu holds a master’s degree in energy systems from Northeastern University and a bachelor of science degree from Yanshan University.

"The century-old electric grid has been fundamental for the economic growth of the past century, and it will play an even more critical role in the electrified future. Exciting changes and development will happen to bring us to Grid 2.0."
  • B.S., Yanshan University
  • M.S., Northeastern University